Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows
- Required reading
- Error Handling
- Unicode
- Kernel Objects
- Getting Work done
- Processes
- Jobs
- Thread Basics
- Thread Scheduling, Priorities and Affinities
- Thread Synchronization in User Mode
- Thread Synchronization with Kernel Objects
- Thread Synchronization Toolkit
- Thread Pooling
- Fibers
- Memory Management
- Windows Memory Architecture
- Exploring Virtual Memory
- Using Virtual Memory in your own Applications
- A Thread´s Stack
- Memory-Mapped Files
- Heaps
- Dynamic-Link Libraries
- DLL Basics
- DLL Advanced Techniques
- Thread-Local Storage
- DLL Injection and API Hooking
- Structured Exception Handling
- Termination Handlers
- Exception Handlers and Software Exceptions
- Unhandled Exceptions and C++ Exceptions
- Windowing
- Window Messaging
- The Hardware Input Model and Local Input State
- The Build Environment
- Message Crackers, Child Control Macros and API Macros
Jahr : | 1999 |
Autor : | Jeffrey Richter |
Seiten : | 1056 |
Verlag : | Microsoft |
Preis : | DM 99,00 |
ISBN : | 1-57231-996-8 |