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Standard C++ IOStreams and Locales

Standard C++ IOStreams and Locales Wertung:


    Guide for Readers
  1. Stream Input and Output
  2. IOStreams Basics
  3. The Architecture of IOStreams
  4. Advanced iostreams Usage
  5. Internationalization
  6. Introduction to Internationalization ans Localization
  7. Locales
  8. Standard Facets
  9. The Architecture of the Locale Framework
  10. User-Defined Facets
  11. Reference Guide
  12. Locale
  13. Character Traits
  14. IOStreams
  15. Stream Iterators
  16. Other I/O Operations
  17. Appendices
  18. Parsing and Extraction of Numerical and bool Values
  19. Formatting of Numerical and bool Values
  20. strftime() Conversion Specifiers
  21. Correspondences between C Stdio and C++ IOStreams
  22. Differences between Classic and Standard IOStreams
  23. The Relationsship between C and C++ Locales
  24. New C++ Features and Idioms Bibliography


Jahr : 2000
Autor : Angelika Langer
Klaus Kreft
Seiten : 640
Verlag : Addison-Wesley
Preis : DM 104,60
ISBN : 0-0201-18395-1-0