- 2000
"Realizing e-Business with ASP"
von Louis Columbus"DB2 Developer's Guide"
von Craig S. Mullins"Embracing Insanity"
von Russell C. Pavlicek - 1999
"Creating Lightweight Components with ATL"
von Jonathan Bates - 1996
"Visual Basic 4 - Datenbank Programmierung"
von Stuart Bloom & Don Kiely"Java Developers Reference"
von Mike Cohn, Bryan Morgan, Michael Morrison, Michael T. Nygard, Dan Joshi & Tom Trinko"Visual C++ 4 Unleashed"
von Victor Toth - 1995
"OS/2 Warp unleashed"
von David Moskowitz & David Kerr, et.al."Teach yourself Database Programming with Delphi"
von Nathan Gurewich & Ori Gurewich"Lotus Notes - Multiuser-Anwendungen entwickeln"
von Eric Rayle - 1994
"Unix Security for the Organization"
von Richard Bryant - 1992
"Developing Windows Applications with Borland C++ 3"
von James W. McCord