- 2004
"The Shellcoder's Handbook: Discovering and Exploiting Security Holes"
von Jack Koziol, David Litchfield, Dave Aitel, Chris Anley, Sinan Eren, Neel Mehta & Riley Hassell - 2003
"Practical Cryptography"
von Niels Ferguson & Bruce Schneier - 2002
"OLAP Solutions"
von Erik Thomsen - 2000
"Enterprise Application Integration with CORBA"
von Ron Zahavi"The World of Scripting Languages"
von David Barron"Secrets & Lies - Digital Security in a Networked World"
von Bruce Schneier - 1998
"The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit"
von Ralph Kimball, Laura Reeves, Margy Ross & Warren Thornthwaite"Client/Server Programming with Java and CORBA"
von Robert Orfali & Dan Harkey - 1997
"The Essential Guide to User Interface Design"
von Wilbert O. Galitz - 1996
"Distributed Objects"
von Robert Orfali, Dan Harkey & Jeri Edwards"Schwager on Futures"
von Jack D. Schwager"International User Interfaces"
von Elisa M. del Galdo & Jakob Nielsen"Applied Cryptography"
von Bruce Schneier - 1994
"Usability Inspection Methods"
von Jakob Nielsen & Robert L. Mack - 1993
"Obfuscated C and other Mysteries"
von Don Libes - 1992
"Nanosystems - Molecular Machinery, Manufacturing and Computation"
von K. Eric Drexler - 1988
"Advanced Turbo C Programmer's Guide"
von Donna Mosich, Namir Shammas & Bryan Flamig - 1982
"Color Science Concepts and Methods Quantitative Data and Formulae"
von Günther Wyszecki & W. S. Stiles