Working for SAP in Walldorf
Support of the Java-based Build-Process in a Netweaver-Environment.For a vienna based company
Since i signed a NDA I can't go to much into to much Detail. Development of a Business-Application in C++ and Python, based on a database that was developed by the client. Development of a Specification to extend the database to a distributed, self-replicating database using TCP/IP.Working in Hannover
Simulation and Verifikation of Hardware-Designs by emulating them in C++.Remote access and configuration and transfer of a measuring station for tracking environmental data
I developed a Configurationapplet in Java and Swing. The station was accessed using Python. For the embedded system i used a system based on the C167.Planing and billing system in Python
The first attempt was based on Jython and Swing. Although that worked fine we reduced the footprint and switched to Python and Tcl/Tk. As database I used "SQL Anywhere".At the European Patent Office in Den Haag
A existing C++ application running under OS/2 had to be extended. The same time this application had to rewritten using Java to be usable across plattforms like (OS/2, Win2K, ...). The development was done using "Visual Age for C++" in OS/2 and "Visual Age for Java" in WinNT. Connection to the DB2 databases was done using CICS. In addition I also wrote a few SQL scripts for evaluation of the collected data in DB2 v5.0, later to be switched to DB2 v6.0 .At HDM in Heidelberg
To control the printing machine we setup a a seperate PC that was connect using TCP/IP .
We used Visual C++ for development and CVS and PVCS for version control. For quality control we used Purify and Quantify. Do ease development of the data transfer routines we used the RougeWave Libraries.
Support and control the Y2K-Project at Deutsche Bank
My task was taken care of quality and control the different tasks that needed to be done to make sure the passing over into 2000 had been as painless as possible.
For tracking purposes we used MS Access bound to a Oracle Database. In addition I wrote some PL/SQL scripts to take verify and evaluate the contents.